Marc Himbert

Hans Rabus

Valerie Livina

QingPing Yang
MQDS 2023?
The international congress on Measurement, Quality and Data Science - MQDS 2023 - is a multidisciplinary congress bringing together academics and industrialists, researchers, engineers, measurement scientists, statisticians and quality professionals. This congress allows to share the experiences and to discuss the current and future developments in the fields of measurement and quality engineering.
MQDS 2023 aims in particular to highlight the importance of data science tools (including statistical tools, advanced data analytics and machine learning) in the fields of quality engineering management and measurement for quality, reliability, security, maintenance, system optimization, visual management, performance management.
The international congress - MQDS 2023 - will clearly demonstrate the need to foster interdisciplinary exchanges related to the fields of measurement and quality.
- Abstract submission: December 22nd, 2022
- Abstract acceptance notification: January 15th, 2023
- Early bird registration (extended deadline): March 31th, 2023
- Full article submission (extended deadline): March 31th, 2023
- Final program: April 15th, 2023
- Event; June 5-7, 2023
• Advanced sensors and instrumentation
• Smart measurement systems
• Measurement systems analysis
• Uncertainty evaluation
• Quality engineering management
• Conformance assessment
• In-process measuring systems and process
• Reliability, safety and maintenance
• Risk management
• Data mining and decision making
• Data and knowledge management
• Machine learning and AI
• IoT and Industry 4.0
• Best practice guidance, standards and
industrial case studies
• Measurement and quality in all sectors
including manufacturing, automotive,
railway, aerospace, built environment,
health, food, energy, etc.
To access the registration form click on this button !
The best papers selected in the framework of MQDS 2023 will be published in the following journals:
- The International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering (IJMQE) is devoted to articles dealing with applied metrology and quality tools for process improvement in research (in environment, health, food, energy, aerospace, automotive, …). The International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering's main focus is related to measurement, sensors and instrumentation, products and systems reliability and safety, conformity assessment, process control, data sciences and quality management. IJMQE is indexed in Scopus, EI Compendex, ... See more.
- Measurement is devoted to articles dealing with measurement and metrology fundamentals, measurement science, sensors, measurement instruments, measurement and estimation techniques, measurement data processing and fusion algorithms, mathematical models, .. See more.
- Security and Safety (S&S)is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed open access journal focusing on the intersection of cyber security and functional safety. S&S aims to quickly publish high quality innovative and applicable research results in all fields that involve the intersection of cyber security and functional safety, as well as views and comments on the frontier and development direction to guide and promote the integration and progress of cyber security and functional safety in multiple fields in the intelligent era... See more.
If your have already written a full paper, don't hesitate to send us it as soon as possible. Your paper could be submitted to our selected journals. If not, we invite you to prepare your full paper in taking into account the following information:
- Write in English;
- Times 12, Interline 1.5, 3 subheading levels in total, using SI unit;
- Submit a list of authors with adress, email, phone number, for better communication;
- Less than 250 characters for the title;
- An abstract to be rendered independently of the manuscript, write in one paragraph, 250 to 300 words.
The scientific committee is made up of internationally recognized researchers. The scientific committee contributes to the development of the congress program. See more.