Keynote speakers
List of keynote speakers :

Marc Himbert
Marc E. Himbert is full professor of metrology in Cnam (France), where he has been head of
the laboratory of metrology (1997-2008), then of the Joint laboratory of metrology created
between with LNE (2008-2021). He serves as a member of several scientific and executive
French and international committees in metrology and physics (CCU, IUPAP, …). He is since
2006 chair of the Laboratory committee of the COFRAC and was elected in 2009 as a
member of the National Academy of Technology of France (NATF).
Title of his speech:
Citizen metrology: challenges and prospects

QingPing Yang
Dr QingPing Yang is currently a Reader at Brunel University London (BUL), leading Brunel Quality Engineering and Smart Technology (QUEST) Research Group, and Robotics and Automation Research Group. He was educated in Instrumentation and Measurement Technology at Chengdu Aeronautical Polytechnic and in Robot Control and Intelligent Control (MSc Program) at Northwestern Polytechnical University. He worked for an Aircraft Structure Research Institute (AVIC, Xi’an) for four years before joining the Brunel Centre for Manufacturing Metrology (BCMM) in late 1988 as a visiting scholar. In 1989, he was awarded an ORS Award and a PhD Studentship from British Technology Group to develop a patented smart 3D high precision probe system for CMMs, and received his PhD degree in October 1992. His research experiences include sensors, dimensional metrology, quality engineering, robotics, smart systems and AI. Over the last three decades, he has developed a unique and coherent research field broadly integrating metrology, quality engineering and smart technologies (including AI and robotics), published more than 110 papers and supervised (as the first supervisor) 27 PhD students in these areas. He has led a number of research projects funded by EU, UK government and industry with a total funding of about £2.5 million as PI. Dr Yang has received numerous prizes and awards for outstanding academic and work performance in the past. He has been a member of IEEE and IET.
Title of his speech:
Towards Big Integration of Metrology, Quality and Artificial Intelligence

Mohamed Mosbah Mosbah h
Prof. Mohamed Mosbah is a professor of in computer science at the Polytechnic Institute of Bordeaux. He is currently Vice-President of the institute, and he has been Director of Industrial Partnerships and Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering. He carries his research at LaBRI, a research Lab. in computer science common with the University of Bordeaux and CNRS, where he was the Deputy Director. His research interests include distributed computing and systems, formal models, security, intelligent transportations systems and ad hoc and sensor networks. He is involved in various technical program committees and organizations of many international conferences. He is involved in various regional, national, and European research projects. He is currently leading an industrial chair, involving 10 companies in partnership with the campus of Bordeaux, on new mobilities and Intelligent Transport Systems.
Title of his speech:
Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems: Data, Safety, and Security

Laurent Denis
Laurent Denis is the founder and General Manager of StatXpert, a 18 year-old company dedicated in servicing numerous industries in Reliability Engineering in all of its facets. StatXpert accompanies many companies, from Design to Customer support, to help set up optimized strategies at the highest level warrantying a safe development, manufacturing and follow-up of high-reliability systems along all their operational lives.
Mr. Denis holds a MBA, a Master’s degree in Statistics & Operational Research and was post-graduated in Big Data-oriented statistics for Engineers.
Title of his speech:
False signal minimization in PHM by augmenting the model with nonstructured information

Valerie Livina
Dr. Valerie Livina is a principal scientist at National Physical Laboratory, which is the UK national measurement institute. Valerie is a data scientist specialising in time series analysis and application of ML/AI techniques. Her interests include analysis of geophysical datasets and instrumental sensor records in the area “Energy & Environment”. Since 2007, Valerie has developed several novel techniques of tipping point analysis for early warning, detection and forecast of transitions and bifurcations of dynamical systems. Valerie leads European standardisation work on green and sustainable AI in the CEN JTC21 WG4. She has published more than 70 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, attended 130+ conferences and workshops (more than 30 as an invited speaker) and 170+ training and developmental courses. Valerie is a Chartered Mathematician and a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Application (CMath FIMA).
Title of his speech:
Uncertainty quantification in tipping point analysis

Hans Rabus
Hans Rabus graduated in physics in 1989 and obtained a PhD in physics in 1992 at the Freie Universität Berlin. Since then, he has been working with PTB, Germany’s National Metrology Institute. Starting in 1992 as a staff researcher in the field of synchrotron radiation metrology, he developed calorimetric and semiconductor-based detector standards for ultraviolet (UV) and vacuum UV radiation. In 2000 he took the lead of the new working group “detector-based optical radiometry” and organised the first international key comparison of UV spectral responsivity. From 2002-2005 he acted as secretary of the UV working group within the Consultative Committee for Photometry and Radiometry of the Metre Convention.
After changing to ionizing radiation metrology in 2005, he chaired the department “Fundamentals of Dosimetry” from 2009 to 2020, pursuing research and development in cross-section measurements, nanodosimetry, track structure simulation and ion microbeam-based radiobiology. He coordinated the European joint research project “BioQuaRT” that featured a synergistic approach to metrology of radiation effects encompassing micro- and nanodosimetry, radiochemistry and -biology and multi-scale modelling. From 2012-2018 he was leader of the task group on “Computational Micro- and Nanodosimetry” within WG 6 “Computational Dosimetry” of the European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS), and chairs EURADOS WG6 since 2018.
Since 2020 Hans is Senior Scientist for “Simulation and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine” and is coordinating PTB’s “Metrology for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (M4AIM)” programme, which comprises 14 Early Stage Researcher projects aimed at developing quantitative criteria for assessing explainability, robustness and uncertainty of AI algorithms and metrics for data quality.
Title of his speech
Metrology for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine